
Study on safety of overlying strata by backfilling in water-preserved mining under thick alluvium and thin bedrock

  • 摘要: 为研究薄基岩厚松散层下充填开采安全性,选择五沟煤矿CT101充填工作面为研究对象,通过理论分析、数值模拟和钻孔探测,对CT101充填工作面隔水关键层稳定性进行了分析,揭示薄基岩厚松散层下充填开采覆岩裂隙高度(深度)及其变化规律,并对开采安全性进了分析。结果表明:采高3.5 m,矸石充填率为85%时,关键层未破断,隔水关键层保持完整;下行裂隙多分布在工作面两端,且具有弥合性,随工作面推进周期性增大、减小,实测下行裂隙深5.5 m,上行裂隙高6.41~11.85 m,剩余隔水层组厚度为17.38~23.97 m,工作面可实现安全回采,为类似采矿地质条件下开采安全性分析提供了借鉴。


    Abstract: To study the safety of overlying strata by backfilling in the water preserved mining under thick alluvium and thin bedrock,the CT101 coal mining face of Wugou Colliery was chosen as the research site. By employing theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and drilling detection to analyze the stability of water-resisting key strata,revealing the destruction rule of overlying strata in working face mining with filling,and analyze the safety of mining. The results show that water-resisting key strata remains stable when the thickness of coal seam is 6 m and filling rate is 85% ;the downward cracks with bridging are distributed mainly over both the ends of working face. As the working face advan- cing,downward crack depth periodically increases and decreases. The depth of downward crack is 5. 5 m,and the height of upward crack is 6. 41-11. 85 m,the thickness of the aquifuge is 17. 38-23. 97 m,working face can be mined safely. The study provides a reference for the safety analysis on mining under similar mining conditions.


