
Physical and mechanical characteristic of rocks with weakly cemented strata in Western representative mining area

  • 摘要: 西部矿区弱胶结岩层与中东部矿区岩层力学性能之间的差别认识不清是导致西部矿区开采过程中灾害性事故频发的根本原因。通过现场调研、理论分析、实验室实验等方法,研究了我国煤矿区弱胶结地层地域分布规律,选取新疆矿区大井南一井和苇子沟矿、鄂尔多斯矿区的营盘壕矿、大海则矿、陶忽图矿、高头窑矿等6对典型矿井岩石物理力学数据,分析了密度、孔隙率、含水率、弹性模量、抗压强度、抗拉强度、黏聚力、内摩擦角、泊松比等参数随埋深变化规律。现场采集了红庆河煤矿的砂质泥岩进行了崩解实验。研究结果表明:弱胶结地层主要分布在我国的新疆地区、鄂尔多斯盆地矿区、蒙东矿区,岩石成岩不充分,岩石强度普遍偏低,具有明显的松、散、弱的特性;西部矿区岩性主要为砂岩、砂质泥岩及泥岩,胶结物大多为泥质;岩石密度与埋深呈正相关,随埋深增加呈线性递增,岩石孔隙率、含水率与埋深呈负相关;岩石的弹性模量、抗压强度、抗拉强度、黏聚力随埋深增加具有一定的线性递增关系;岩石的泊松比、内摩擦角与埋深无明显的相关性;实验发现弱胶结岩石遇水后具有强烈的崩解性,循环次数越多,崩解后的粒径越小越均匀,弱胶结岩石的强崩解性是导致西部矿区采场导水裂隙带高度增大的主要因素;弱胶结岩石强度普遍低于中东部同类岩石强度;建立岩石物理力学性能集合可进一步明确中西部岩石间差别。


    Abstract: It is not clear that the difference of mechanical properties between the weakly cemented strata in the West- ern mining area and the strata in the Middle Eastern mining area. Therefore,this is the fundamental cause of the fre- quent occurrence of disastrous accidents in the mining process of the western mining area. The distribution of weakly cemented strata was studied on the coal mine area in China. The weakly cemented rock physical and mechanical data of six typical mines of Xinjiang and Ordos mining area were chosen. Also,the parameters of density,porosity,moisture content,elastic modulus, compressive strength, tensile strength, cohesion, internal friction angle, Poisson ratio with depth variation regularity were analyzed. The results show that the weakly cemented strata are mainly distributed in Xinjiang region,Ordos basin and Eastern Mongolia mining area in China. The degree of rock formation was not suffi- cient,thus the rock strength was generally low. In Western mining area,the lithology mainly included sandstone,sandy mudstone and mudstone. The rock density and depth was positively correlated,and the rock density was positively line- arly increased with the increasing depth. The porosity and moisture content were negatively correlated with the increas- ing depth. The elastic modulus,compressive strength,tensile strength and cohesion had a certain linear increasing cor- relation with the increasing depth. In addition,Poisson ratio,internal friction angle had not obvious correlation with the increasing depth. The strong disintegration of weakly consolidated rock is the main factor that causes the height of wa- ter-conducting fracture zone to increase. The strength of weakly cemented rocks in Western mining area was lower than that of the same type rock in Middle Eastern mining area. It could further clarify the difference between rocks in the Western mining area and in the Eastern mining area with the establishment of the set of rock physical and mechanical properties.


