
Redundant multi-INS positioning algorithm of shearer and analysis of its rationality

  • 摘要: 惯性导航系统(简称惯导,Inertial Navigation System,INS)和轴编码器组合的定位方式是提升采煤机定位精度的有效方式,由惯导输出姿态角参数、轴编码器输出参数解算采煤机当前速度,通过航位推算解算出采煤机在导航坐标系下的位置坐标。为进一步提高采煤机这一定位方式的精度,抑制惯性器件的漂移,提出了一种多套惯导系统之间冗余的定位算法。该算法以3套惯导的位置信息为状态量,以3套惯导两两之间的距离为量测量,建立了采煤机多惯导冗余定位扩展卡尔曼滤波(Extended Kalman Filter,EKF)模型。根据所建模型,提出采煤机多惯导冗余定位的仿真方法,进行多惯导冗余定位与单一惯导定位仿真结果的对比,以及多惯导冗余定位多种仿真条件下结果之间的对比,分析了算法的合理性。对比结果表明,多惯导冗余的定位方法能够较好地抑制单一惯导定位长时间运行形成的累积误差,提高了采煤机定位的精度,且在采煤机多种工况运行条件下及惯导间以多种距离安装时有效。但是EKF算法的线性化近似误差会造成多惯导冗余定位时不同仿真条件下定位精度的一定差异。由于影响采煤机多惯导冗余定位算法精度的因素很多,如多套惯导的安装方式、惯导的数量、不同的非线性滤波算法等,这些因素会对采煤机的定位精度产生什么样的影响,还需要进一步的研究。


    Abstract: The combination of Inertial Navigation System (INS) and encoder integrated navigation is an efficient method to improve the accuracy of shearer positioning.The position coordinate of shearer in navigation reference frame is calculated through dead reckoning in which attitude angles are outputted by INS and instantaneous velocity of shearer is reckoned on the basis of encoder’s output.In order to improve the accuracy of the method more effectively and decrease the drifting of inertial devices, a positioning method based on redundant configuration among whole INS was proposed.The position information of the triple-INS was used as the state quantities, and the distances among each INS were used as the measurement quantities, then the shearer redundant INS positioning Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) mathematical model was established.According to the model, the shearer redundant INS positioning simulation method was proposed and the reasonability of the algorithm was analyzed through comparing the results of multiple inertial navigation redundant positioning and single INS positioning and redundant INS positioning under several simulation conditions.The comparison results illustrated that using multi-INS redundant positioning algorithm can restrain the drift of positioning with single INS for a long time and improve the accuracy of positioning, which is also effective for several running conditions of shearer and several installed distances among INS.However, the linearized error of EKF leads to some difference among results under different simulation condition.Because there are many factors impact the positioning accuracy of redundant INS, for example, variety of installation, number of INS, usage of different nonlinear filtering algorithms and so on, the influence of these factors on the shearer positioning accuracy needs a further study.


