
Effect of alkali activated potassium persulfate solution immersion on wettability and pore structure of coking coal

  • 摘要: 为改善焦煤润湿性、探究煤样增润机理,采用煤样毛细反渗透实验优选碱活化的过硫酸钾溶液(AAP)组成,结合AAP浸泡实验前后煤样的红外光谱峰值拟合结果及煤样表面各官能团相对含量变化,使用Materials Studio软件的Sorption模块构建孔层状煤分子结构模型,以此模拟水分子在煤表面的吸附状态,系统研究AAP浸泡对煤样表面接触角θ、反渗透高度、官能团含量变化、孔隙结构、瓦斯吸附常数及水分子在煤表面吸附状态的影响规律。结果表明:当过硫酸钾质量分数为1.5%、氢氧化钠质量分数为0.5%、温度为30 ℃时,AAP浸泡对焦煤煤样的润湿性改善最为显著,处理后煤样反渗透高度达10.3 cm,与煤样表面接触角θ由96.32°显著降低至48.51°(降幅达49.64%)的增润趋势相一致;AAP处理后焦煤煤样表面的OH—π和环羟基含量分别由9.22%、13.43%增至17.25%、24.39%,在各官能团中其含量改变最为显著,因OH—π和环羟基易与水分子形成氢键,故其含量增加有助于改善煤样润湿性;MS模拟显示AAP处理后水分子的平均吸附热由16.11 kJ/mol提升至19.57 kJ/mol,水分子吸附量由48.6 H2O/晶胞提升至53 H2O/晶胞,处理后煤样在较低压力下即可吸附大量水分子,该特性有利于提升矿井喷雾降尘和煤层注水增润效果。同时,AAP含有的\mathrmSO_4^\cdot- 和·OH能氧化溶蚀煤中有机小分子相,使煤中原生的微小孔孔径变大、微小孔数量减少,最佳组成AAP处理后煤样的微小孔平均孔径增幅达44.64%、比表面积降幅达65.48%;瓦斯吸附常数a降幅为12.01%、b降幅为19.27%,即AAP浸泡在显著改善煤样润湿性的同时能有效降低甲烷吸附量,可为煤层注水降尘防突技术的发展提供理论借鉴。


    Abstract: To improve the wettability of coking coal and explore wetting mechanism of coal samples, the capillary reverse osmosis experiment was firstly performed to select the composition of alkali-activated potassium persulfate (AAP) solution. By combination with the fitting results of FT-IR spectra for coal samples before and after AAP immersion experiment, the relative content changes of various functional groups on the surface of coal samples were obtained. Based on these results, porous layered structure models of coal molecule were constructed by using Sorption module of Materials Studio software to simulate the adsorption of water molecules on the surface of coal samples. Effects of AAP immersion on contact angle θ, reverse osmosis height, functional group content change, pore structure, gas adsorption constants and adsorption properties of water molecules on coal surface were investigated systematically. The experimental results showed when the mass fraction of potassium persulfate was 1.5%, the mass fraction of sodium hydroxide was 0.5% and the activation temperature was 30 ℃, the wettability of coking coal was most significantly improved by AAP immersion, and the reverse osmosis height of treated coal sample reached 10.3 cm. This was consistent with wettability increasing trend that contact angle θ of coal samples surface decreased from 96.32° to 48.51° (the decline was 49.64%). After AAP immersion, the content of OH-π group and cyclic hydroxyl group on the surface of coking coal samples increased from 9.22% and 13.43% to 17.25% and 24.39%, respectively, and its content change was the most pronounced among all functional groups. As OH-π group and cyclic hydroxyl group were liable to form hydrogen bond with water molecules, the increase of its content facilitated boost the wettability of coal samples. MS simulation results showed that after AAP immersion, the average adsorption heat of water molecules increased from 16.11 kJ/mol to 19.57 kJ/mol, and the adsorption capacity of water molecules increased from 48.6 H2O/cell to 53 H2O/cell. The treated coal samples could adsorb a large amount of water molecules even at a lower pressure, which was beneficial to promoting the effects of spray dust suppression and coal seam water infusion. Meanwhile, \mathrmSO_4^\cdot - and ·OH in AAP solution could oxidize and corrode organic small molecule phase in coal, which enabled the pore diameter of primary micropores in coal larger and the number of micropores decreased. After immersing by AAP solution with the optimal composition, average pore diameter of micropores increased by 44.64% and specific surface area decreased by 65.48%. The decrease of gas adsorption constant a value was 12.01%, and the decrease of b value was 19.27%. That is, AAP immersion could remarkably improve the wettability of coal samples and meanwhile effectively reduce methane adsorption amount, providing theoretical reference for developing coal seam water infusion dust suppression and outburst prevention technology.


