
Sandstone damage and acoustic emission characteristics under the cyclic loading and unloading of the intermediate principal stress of the true three-axis

  • 摘要: 为了研究地下工程开挖过程中循环扰动应力下砂岩损伤及声发射特征,利用真三轴扰动卸荷岩石测试系统及声发射(AE)系统,对硬质砂岩开展分级循环中间主应力 \sigma _2 试验,研究循环中间主应力 \sigma _2 下砂岩的力学性质,探明其损伤规律和声发射特征,揭示真三轴循环过程中的中间主应力效应。结果表明:分级循环加卸载 \sigma _2 对极限中间主应变 \varepsilon _\mathrm2max 的影响较大,对极限最小主应变 \varepsilon _\mathrm3max 的影响最小;随着 \sigma _3 的增加,分级循环 \sigma _2 引起 \varepsilon _\mathrm2max 、加载模量和卸载模量均呈现先增大后减小的趋势;循环加载或卸载 \sigma _2 均可能导致砂岩发生不稳定破坏,且当最小主应力 \sigma _3 较小时,砂岩倾向于在 \sigma _2 卸载并逼近 \sigma _3 的过程中发生破坏,而当 \sigma _3 较大时,砂岩倾向于在 \sigma _2 加载并逼近最大主应力 \sigma _1 的过程中发生破坏,当破坏时对应的岩石八面体应力 \tau _8 的增长倍率 \beta 相近,均为1.1260倍左右;通过分析声发射信号特征参数RA-AF发现,随着 \sigma _3 的增加,砂岩试样经历张拉破坏为主→张剪破坏→剪切破坏为主的破裂演化过程;另外,砂岩的加载损伤变量随着分级循环 \sigma _2 幅值的增加先增大后平稳,而卸载损伤变量呈现显著的“减速→加速→再减速”的S型变化趋势。


    Abstract: The work aimed to study the damage and acoustic emission (AE) characteristics of sandstone under the cyclic disturbance stress during underground engineering excavation. Graded cyclic intermediate principal stress \sigma _2 was tested using the rock-unloading test system of the true three-axis disturbance and the AE system. The mechanical properties of sandstone were studied under \sigma _2 to prove its damage law and AE characteristics, and the effect of intermediate principal stress under true triaxial cyclic process were revealed. The results showed that the graded cyclic loading and unloading of \sigma _2 had a greater influence on ultimate intermediate principal stress \varepsilon _\mathrm2max and the smallest influence on ultimate minimum principal stress \varepsilon _\mathrm3max . \sigma _2 caused \varepsilon _\mathrm2max and loading and unloading moduli to increase first and then decrease with increased minimum principal stress \sigma _3 . Cyclically loading or unloading \sigma _2 caused unstable failure to sandstone. When minimum principal stress \sigma _3 was small, sandstone unloaded at \sigma _2 and damaged as it approached \sigma _3 . When \sigma _3 was large, sandstone loaded at \sigma _2 and damaged as it approached maximum principal stress \sigma _1 . Growth rate \beta of corresponding rock-octahedron stress \tau _8 was similar during failure ( \beta =1.1260). Characteristic parameter RA-AF of AE signals was analyzed. The failure mode of the sandstone samples gradually shifted from tensile shear failure to shear failure with increased \sigma _3 . Besides, the loading damage variable of sandstone increased first and then stabilized as \sigma _2 increased. The unloading damage variable showed a significant S-shaped trend of deceleration, acceleration, and re-deceleration.


