毛君,杨润坤,谢苗,等. 煤矿智能快速掘进关键技术研究现状及展望[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(2):1214−1229. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.1424
引用本文: 毛君,杨润坤,谢苗,等. 煤矿智能快速掘进关键技术研究现状及展望[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(2):1214−1229. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.1424
MAO Jun,YANG Runkun,XIE Miao,et al. Research status and prospects of key technologies for intelligent rapid excavation in coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(2):1214−1229. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.1424
Citation: MAO Jun,YANG Runkun,XIE Miao,et al. Research status and prospects of key technologies for intelligent rapid excavation in coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(2):1214−1229. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2023.1424


Research status and prospects of key technologies for intelligent rapid excavation in coal mines

  • 摘要: 针对煤矿巷道掘进智能化建设情况,探讨了现阶段分别以连采机、掘锚一体机、全断面掘进系统、掘锚机为核心的四大类智能快速掘进成套装备发展现状,分析了四大类智能快掘装备与地质条件适用性,提出了实现煤矿智能化掘进需要解决的关键技术的问题,探讨了以信息传输与智能分析技术、智能感知技术、精确定位导航技术,自主定型定向截割技术、掘进机远程自主截割控制技术以及多级多工序智能协同控制技术为基础的智能化掘进实现途径;基于复杂地质条件下煤矿巷道掘进亟待解决的关键问题,提出了以掘进作业功能需求、掘进工艺要求为依据的系统化分析、模块化设计、功能优化组合的设计方法;研究了以虚控实、虚实结合的多级数字孪生构架,基于掘进巷道设备、环境、地质构造多维信息再现实现掘进机远程控制;提出了单机智能化、系统协同化、井下智控与地面远程监控相协同的控制方法。开发了新型的无重复碾压柔性超前支护技术、截割部多级伸缩截割技术、智能锚固机组多钻机并行作业等技术,研制了具有掘、支、锚、运、探多工序并行作业的新型快速掘进作业联合机组,提出了掘进机器人、超前支护机器人、锚固机器人、辅助运输机器人组柔性并行作业技术;提出了基于数据驱动的多机多工序协同控制行为规划决策方法。提出构建完整的煤矿井下跨系统全时空信息数字感知体系,构建集井下现场生产状态、掘进巷道空间信息、掘进装备状态、风险信息等多参量、多尺度、全时空特性的数据感知智能化监控平台,实现虚拟系统与实际掘进系统实时通信,通过数据驱动规划分析实现智能化、少人化掘进。


    Abstract: In view of the intelligentization of coal mine roadway excavation, this paper discusses the current development status of four major categories of intelligent fast excavation equipment, including continuous mining machine, excavation and anchor machine, full-section excavation system, and anchor excavation machine, analyzes the applicability of the four major categories of intelligent fast excavation equipment with the geological conditions, proposes some key technological issues for the realization of intelligent coal mine excavation which need to be resolved, and also explores the information transmission and intelligent analysis technology, intelligent perception technology, precise positioning and navigation technology, autonomous stereotyped directional cutting technology, remote and autonomous cutting control technology of road-header and multi-level and multi-process intelligent cooperative control technology, as they are the basis for the realization of intelligent roadway excavation. Based on the key technological issues needed to be solved in the mine roadway excavation under the complex geological conditions, the paper puts forward the design method of systematic analysis, modular design and optimal combination of functions, according to the functional requirements of the excavation operation and the requirements of the excavation process. A multi-level digital twin architecture of virtual control and virtual-reality combination is studied based on the multi-dimensional information reproduction of heading equipment, environment, and geological structure to realize the remote control of road-heading machine. A control method that integrates single-machine intelligence, system synergism, and synergism of underground intelligent control and surface remote monitoring is proposed. A new type of flexible advance support technology without repetitive crushing, multi-stage telescopic cutting technology of cutting section, and multi-rig parallel operation technology of intelligent anchoring unit have been developed, and a new type of combined unit for rapid roadway heading operation with a parallel operation of excavating, supporting, anchoring, transporting, and exploring processes has been also developed, and a flexible parallel operation technology of excavation robot, advance support robot, anchoring robot, and auxiliary transportation robot group has been proposed. A data-driven multi-machine, multi-process collaborative control behavior planning and decision-making method is proposed. In addition, it is proposed to construct a complete coal mine underground cross-system full-temporal-spatial information digital sensing system, build a data sensing intelligent monitoring platform with multi-parameter, multi-scale and full-temporal-spatial characteristics, that integrates the production state of underground site, spatial information of roadway, state of heading equipment, and risk information, etc., and realize a real-time communication between virtual system and actual tunneling system, so as to realize the intelligent and less-manned heading through data-driven planning and analysis.


