热分析获取锅炉内煤着火特性—Part I:比热容、着火温度和着火热

Thermal analysis for obtaining coal ignition characteristics in boilers—Part 1: Specific heat capacity, ignition temperature, and ignition heat

  • 摘要: 现有热分析获取的煤/低温热解焦着火温度值比锅炉内煤着火温度低200~300 K,普遍的观点认为热分析仪的升温速率β过低是导致上述结果的主因,但其本质原因应该是以往的研究选择的样品反应性过高而导致煤/焦着火提前,同时常用的TG-DTG切线法求着火温度不够准确。为解决上述问题,采用非等温TG-DSC获取了2种高温(1 400 ℃)快速热解准东煤焦在不同β下的着火特性包括比热容、着火温度和着火热,考察了β对煤焦着火特性的影响。采用David Merrick模型获取了煤焦的比热容,发现其不受β的影响但与温度的变化相关;用指数函数描述了比热容与温度的关系,得到2种煤焦在0~1 600 ℃的比热容为0.65~1.99 kJ/(kg·K)。采用基于Semenov热爆炸理论的DSC或DTG拐点法和TG-DTG切线法获取了煤焦的着火温度,发现DSC拐点法和DTG拐点法获取的着火温度相当,即两者具有等效性,且始终高于TG-DTG切线法获得的着火温度;着火温度随着β的增加而增加,但增加幅度逐渐减少,可用指数函数描述。将β设置为锅炉中常见的升温速率如105 K/s,可获得煤焦的极限着火温度。采用DSC拐点法和TG-DTG切线法获得的煤焦极限着火温度分别为673~680 ℃和644~659 ℃,前者与文献中在携带流反应器(类似锅炉环境)中获得的同类型煤样的着火温度值一致,而后者则会低估着火温度。结合高温热解焦比煤/低温热解焦的反应性低的事实,指出制取反应性合适的高温热解(类似锅炉环境温度)煤焦样品和采用DSC或DTG拐点法获取煤焦的极限着火温度可实现热分析对锅炉内煤着火温度的预测。根据极限着火温度获取了锅炉内2种煤焦的着火热qig为3 414~3 669 kJ/kg,并计算了风煤比为0.9~2.5下2种煤焦的理论着火热为1 826~2 811 kJ/kg。qig比相应煤焦的理论着火热值大,表明理论着火热可能高估煤在锅炉内的实际着火能力。对热分析获取锅炉内煤着火特性的合理性进行了全方位诠释,所提出的热分析方法论可为获取CFD模拟锅炉内煤着火特性所需的基础数据提供参考。


    Abstract: The ignition temperatures of coals/low-temperature pyrolysis chars obtained by existing thermal analysis are 200–300 K lower than those of coals in boilers. It is generally believed that the low heating rate β of the thermal analyzer is the main reason for the above results, but the essential reason should be that the reactivity of the sample selected in the previous study is too high, which leads to the advance of coal/char ignition. Meanwhile, the commonly used TG-DTG tangent method is not accurate enough to calculate the ignition temperature. In order to solve the above problems, the nonisothermal TG-DSC was used to obtain the ignition characteristics of two high-temperature (1 400 ℃) fast pyrolysis Zhundong coal chars under different βs, including specific heat capacity, ignition temperature and ignition heat, and the effect of β on the ignition characteristics of coal chars was investigated. The specific heat capacity of coal char was obtained by David Merrick model, which was not affected by β but related to the change of temperature. The relationship between specific heat capacity and temperature was described by an exponential function. The specific heat capacity values of the two types of coal char are 0.65–1.99 kJ/(kg·K) in the range of 0 to 1 600 ℃. The ignition temperature of coal char was obtained by the DSC or DTG inflection point method based on Semenov thermal explosion theory and the TG-DTG tangent method. The results show that the ignition temperatures obtained by the DSC and DTG inflection point method were equivalent, and always higher than that obtained by the TG-DTG tangent method. The ignition temperature increased with the increase in β, but the level of increase gradually decreased, which can be described by an exponential function. The Limiting ignition temperatures of coal chars were obtained by setting β as the commonly heating rate of coal conversion in boilers, namely 105 K/s. The Limiting ignition temperatures of coal char obtained by DSC inflection point method and TG-DTG tangent method are 673–680 ℃ and 644–659 ℃, respectively. The former is consistent with the ignition temperature of the same type of coal samples obtained in boiler-like environment reactors such as the entrained flow reactor, as in the literature, while the latter will underestimate the ignition temperature. Combined with the fact that the reactivity of high-temperature pyrolysis char is lower than that of coal/low-temperature pyrolysis char, indicating that the preparation of high-temperature (equivalent to the boiler ambient temperature) pyrolysis char with appropriate reactivity and the use of DSC or DTG inflection point method to obtain the limiting ignition temperature of char can realize the prediction of coal ignition temperature in boiler by thermal analysis. According to the Limiting ignition temperature, the ignition heats qig of the two coal chars in the boiler are 3 414–3 669 kJ/kg, and the theoretical ignition heats of the two coal chars under the air/coal ratios of 0.9–2.5 were calculated to be 1 826–2 811 kJ/kg. qig is larger than the theoretical ignition heat value of the corresponding coal char, indicating that the theoretical ignition heat value may overestimate the actual ignition capacity of coal in boilers. This study provides a comprehensive interpretation of the rationality of thermal analysis to obtain the coal ignition characteristics in boilers. The proposed thermal analysis methodology can provide a reference for obtaining the basic data required for CFD simulation of coal ignition characteristics in boilers.


