
Disaster-causing mechanism and prevention and control vision orientation of different types of coal seam floor water disasters in China

  • 摘要: 我国成煤条件苛刻,赋煤环境复杂多变,资源呈全域性跨多地质类型、点散式分布,导致回采共(伴)生地质灾害频现。同时,伴随煤炭资源开发布局优化调控,煤层底板水害负面导向性越趋显著,高承压水水力驱动及强敏感性缺陷构造活化的协同作用导致煤层底板水害宏观动力学表象威胁性显著提升,成为我国煤炭资源高质量转型发展的内生阻力。为全方位掌握我国煤层底板水害发展形势,探讨未来基于新技术开展防控作业的重点攻关方向,从时间、空间、突水量等多维视角下全方位展示了近年来我国煤层底板水害动态演变趋势,对类型进行了“总−分”式细划,并通过建立地质力学模型探讨了我国煤层底板水害力学互馈响应机制,基于灾害宏观表象等揭示了其内生致灾机理,指出了防控技术理念的新发展路径和远景导向。研究发现:统计分析了我国煤层底板水害多维视角下的演变规律和特征,探讨建立了我国煤层底板水害主体架构,依据事故核心致因体系及宏观致灾表象等将煤层底板水害划分为岩溶陷落柱突水、断层活化突水及裂隙导升(复合)灰岩水突涌3大类,进一步细化为全路径贯通增量导升型突水(岩溶陷落柱)、贯穿煤层型突水(断层)、单层随采卸荷直接型突水(裂隙)等12个子类,并针对性的独立分析了3个大类煤层底板水害地理空间分布规律;分析了地应力和承压水水压对岩溶陷落柱突水过程承压水导升路径异化发育作用机制,提出了覆岩顶板动/静载扰动诱发底板岩溶陷落柱突水模式,阐明了其力学启动条件及致灾机理;建立了煤层底板断层宏细观地质力学构造概化模型,基于诱发断层活化突水的核心致灾诱因识别并建立了不同类别煤层底板断层活化突水力学判据;以裂隙为基础单元,“由1至n”式建立了单一层位和复合层位承压含水层诱发裂隙型导升(复合)灰岩水突涌的临界判别条件,揭示了该类型底板水害全过程致灾机理;在总结现行煤层底板水害探查、预测及控制技术理念基础上,结合前沿发展方向,指出并建议在煤层底板本底地质基因的全生命周期采动诱变特征三维动态重构、适用于时空分异动态地质环境的煤层底板突水预测预报理念升级、低扰动强干预的随采随治保\控水互馈注浆治理技术应用、修复后地质生态系统长效监控诊断诊疗平台建立等方面展开攻关,构建煤层底板水害全时空防控大体系,紧跟新质生产力大背景下全煤行业新业态发展步伐。


    Abstract: China 's coal-forming conditions are harsh, the coal-bearing environment is complex and changeable, and the resources are distributed in a global, multi-geological type and scattered distribution, resulting in frequent occurrence of mining-associated geological disasters. At the same time, with the optimization and regulation of coal resource development layout, the negative orientation of coal seam floor water damage is becoming more and more significant. The synergistic effect of high confined water hydraulic drive and strong sensitive defect structure activation leads to a significant increase in the threat of macroscopic dynamic representation of coal seam floor water damage, which has become an endogenous resistance to the high-quality transformation and development of coal resources in China. In order to grasp the development situation of coal seam floor water disaster in China in an all-round way and discuss the key research direction of prevention and control operation based on new technology in the future, the dynamic evolution trend of coal seam floor water disaster in China in recent years is comprehensively demonstrated from the multi-dimensional perspectives of time, space and water inrush quantity. The type is divided into ' total-sub ' type, and the mechanical mutual feedback response mechanism of coal seam floor water disaster in China is discussed by establishing geomechanical model. Based on the macroscopic representation of disaster, the endogenous disaster-causing mechanism is revealed, and the new development path and vision orientation of prevention and control technology concept are pointed out. The results show that: The evolution law and characteristics of coal seam floor water disasters in China from a multi-dimensional perspective are statistically analyzed, and the main framework of coal seam floor water disasters in China is discussed and established. According to the accident core cause system and macroscopic disaster-causing representation, the coal seam floor water disasters are divided into three categories: karst collapse column water inrush, fault activation water inrush and fracture-induced (composite) limestone water inrush, which are further refined into 12 subcategories, such as full-path through incremental water inrush (karst collapse column), through coal seam water inrush (fault), single-layer direct water inrush (fracture) with mining and unloading. The geographical spatial distribution of water disasters in three major types of coal seam floors was analyzed independently. The mechanism of ground stress and confined water pressure on the alienation development of confined water conduction path in the process of water inrush from karst collapse column is analyzed. The water inrush mode of floor karst collapse column induced by dynamic/static load disturbance of overburden roof is proposed, and its mechanical starting conditions and disaster-causing mechanism are clarified. The generalized model of macro-micro geomechanical structure of coal seam floor fault is established. Based on the identification of the core disaster-causing factors that induce fault activation water inrush, the mechanical criteria of fault activation water inrush in different types of coal seam floor are established. Based on the fracture as the basic unit, the critical discriminant conditions for the inrush of fissure-type ascending (composite) limestone water induced by single-layer and composite-layer confined aquifers are established by the formula of ' one to n ', and the disaster-causing mechanism of the whole process of this type of floor water disaster is revealed. On the basis of summarizing the current concept of coal seam floor water disaster detection, prediction and control technology, combined with the frontier development direction, it is pointed out and suggested that the three-dimensional dynamic reconstruction of the whole life cycle mining-induced mutation characteristics of the background geological gene of the coal seam floor, the upgrading of the concept of coal seam floor water inrush prediction and prediction suitable for the dynamic geological environment of space-time differentiation, the application of low disturbance and strong intervention with mining\water control and mutual grouting treatment technology, and the establishment of long-term monitoring, diagnosis and treatment platform for geological ecosystem after restoration should be carried out to build a large system of full-time and space-time prevention and control of coal seam floor water disaster, and keep up with the development of new formats in the whole coal industry under the background of new productivity.


