刘盛东,杨彩,章俊,等. 矿井微震与电法耦合监测技术[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(1):586−600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YH23.0919
引用本文: 刘盛东,杨彩,章俊,等. 矿井微震与电法耦合监测技术[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(1):586−600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YH23.0919
LIU Shengdong,YANG Cai,ZHANG Jun,et al. Mine microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(1):586−600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YH23.0919
Citation: LIU Shengdong,YANG Cai,ZHANG Jun,et al. Mine microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(1):586−600. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.YH23.0919


Mine microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology

  • 摘要: 随着煤炭资源开采区域、深度及强度的增加,矿井工作面采掘扰动极易诱发矿井突水事故,严重威胁我国煤炭资源安全开采。矿井水害事故的发生主要是岩体采动破裂与矿井水渗流共同作用的结果。研究表明,微震信号的纵横波到时、幅值、频率等参量可有效表征岩体破裂位置、强度及其震源机制,地电场信号中的电阻率、激励电流及自然电位等参量可有效表征岩体渗流演化过程。透水通道形成对应微震场特征,地下水渗流对应地电场特征,因此微震电法耦合方法对矿井水害孕育发展过程具有监测预警的功能,可有效对采动破坏过程中形成的突水通道、水源位置及渗流过程等水害三要素进行精准捕捉;减少单一地球物理方法多解性,提高水害监测预警精度,对煤矿防治水意义重大。当前,微震与电法耦合监测技术在煤矿水害实时动态监测中开始得到应用,突破传统微震与电法独立采集的局限,课题组自主研发了国内外首款煤安认证的微震与电法耦合并行监测系统,该系统以微震场与地电场并行采集基站为核心,集被动源微震波场与主被动地电场为一体,通过连接矿井物联网,实现远程数据采集控制、传输及云端存储;其一体化网络服务器主机可连接多个采集基站,并将微震检波器、电法激励电极与电位测量电极进行相互隔离、并行采集,形成微震事件密度与能级分布、电阻率分布、自然电位分布等时空云图来监测预判水害三要素。微震与电法耦合监测技术仍需在微震事件智能识别与定位、地电场的电阻率三维反演以及自然电位渗流反演方面进行专项攻关;结合并行监测的微震电法大数据集,重点在微震电法数据联合反演、智能化监测预警方向开展进一步研究。微震与电法耦合监测技术,作为矿井水害的主动预警监测新方法,可为我国智能化矿井建设发挥重要作用。


    Abstract: With the increase of the depth, mining intensity and area of coal resource, the mining disturbances in the mining face can easily induce mine water inrush accidents, seriously threatening the safe mining of coal resources in China. Mine water disasters are mainly caused by the joint action of rock mass rupture and mine water seepage. The research results show that the parameters such as the longitudinal and transverse wave time, amplitude, frequency, and other microseismic signal parameters can effectively characterize the fracture location and intensity, as well as the source mechanism of rock mass. The parameters such as resistivity, excitation current and self-potential in geoelectric field signals can effectively characterize rock mass seepage evolution process. The characteristics of microseismic field indicate the formation of permeable channels, while the characteristics of geoelectric field indicate groundwater seepage. Therefore, the coupling of microseismic and electrical method has the function of monitoring and early warning for the development process of mine water hazards, which can accurately capture three elements of water hazards including water inrush channel, water source location and seepage process formed in the process of mining failure. It reduces the multiple solutions of a single geophysical method, and improves the monitoring accuracy of water disaster, which is of great significance to the prevention and control of water in coal mines. At present, the microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology has begun to be applied in the real-time dynamic monitoring of water hazards in coal mines. Breaking through the limitations of traditional microseismic and electrical data collected independently, the research group has developed the first coal-certified microseismic and electrical coupling parallel monitoring system. With the microseismic field and geoelectric field parallel acquisition base station as the core, this system integrates the passive source micrvoseismic wave field and active and passive geoelectric field. By connecting the mine Internet of Things, the acquisition control, transmission and cloud storage of the remote data are realized. Its integrated network server host can connect multiple acquisition base stations, so as to realize the optimal arrangement of the multi-field observation system in the limited space of the underground and borehole with the separation of microseismic sensor, current electrode and potential electrode while parallel acquisition. It can obtain the spatial and temporal cloud map of microseismic event density and energy level distribution, resistivity distribution and self-potential distribution to monitor and predict the three elements of water hazards. The microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology still needs more research particularly in intelligent identification and location of microseismic events, three-dimensional resistivity inversion of geoelectric field and self-potential seepage inversion. Combined with the microseismic and electrical data sets of parallel monitoring, the joint inversion of microseismic and electrical data and intelligent monitoring and early warning method need to be further studied. As a new method of active early warning and monitoring of mine water disaster, the microseismic and electrical coupling monitoring technology will play an important role in the construction of intelligent mine in China.


