
Molecular model construction and structural characteristics analysis of Wucaiwan coal in Eastern Junggar Coalfield based on quantum chemistry theory

  • 摘要: 以准东矿区五彩湾煤样为研究对象,利用计算机辅助软件 Chemdraw,Chem3D,Materi⁃ als Studio 等,根据实验数据提取煤微观结构参数表征信息,初步构建准东五彩湾煤分子模型,并通 过优化使其能量最小化,得到稳定的准东五彩湾煤三维模型。 在 20 ~ 800 °C ( 即 20,100,200,300, 400,500,600,700,800 °C)对煤样加热,进而对煤样开展工业分析及元素分析、X 射线光电子能谱、 X 射线衍射、傅里叶变换红外光谱、核磁共振碳谱等测试与实验,分析其宏、微观特征变化。 结果表 明:准东五彩湾煤结构以芳香碳为主,脂肪碳以支链形式或者链接芳香环存在,分子结构中烷烃侧 链长度较长;煤样中氧的主要赋存形态是醚氧基(C—O),存在吡咯型氮及吡啶型氮,以吡咯型 氮(N-5)为主;硫以砜型硫为主,苯环以三、四取代为主;获得准东五彩湾煤分子式 C206H128O36N2, 构建其平面模型。 经过结构几何优化及退火模拟优化后,模型中芳香片层趋于定向,以范德华能占 比大而保持结构稳定性。 低温阶段(20~300 °C),煤中 C 主要以 C—C,C—H 形态参与反应,生成 少量以 C—OH,C—O—C 赋存形态的 C 及一些以 C 柴双奇,曾强.基于量子化学的准东五彩湾煤分子结构模型构建与特征分析J.煤炭学报,2022,47(12):4504-4516.


    Abstract: Quantum chemistry theory is one important method to study the energy change and heat release of coal oxidation and combustion process. In this paper,the molecular structure of Wucaiwan coal was established by using computer⁃aided software(Chemdraw,Chem3D,and Materials Studio)which is based on a series of experiments data,then, its stable 3D model was obtained by optimizing and minimizing its molecular energy. Coal samples were heated from 20 °C(room temperature)to 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,and 800 °C respectively. Then some tests and experi⁃ ments were conducted, such as the test of coal proximate and ultimate analysis, the X - ray photoelectron spectroscopy,the X-ray diffraction(XRD),the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum(13CNMR),etc.,which aim to investigate the macro and micro change of coal samples. Results show that the aromatic carbon dominates within coal molecular structure,the aliphatic carbon exists in the form of a branch chain or linked aromatic ring,and the side chain length of alkanes is longer. The ether oxygen group(C—O) is the major type of oxygen within coal molecular structure. The pyrrole(N-5)and the pyridine are the major type of nitrogen. The sulfone is the major type of sulfur. The major type of benzene ring is replaced by three and four, and the molecular formula of coal sample is C206 H128 O3 6 N2 . After a geometry optimization and annealing simulation op⁃ timization of molecular structure,the aromatic lamellar in the model tends to be oriented,so the van der Waals ener⁃ gy takes up a large part of energy proportion for keeping the structure stable. The heating process was divided in⁃ to three stages,i.e.,the low⁃temperature stage(20-300 °C),the mid⁃temperature stage(300-600 °C),and the high⁃temperature stage(600-800 °C). At the low⁃temperature stage,the carbon participates in the reaction mainly in the form of C—C and C—H,which produces a little amount of C—OH,C—O—C,C


