
Transparentized solutions and interpretation for the effects of discontinuous structures and multiphysics on rock failure

  • 摘要: 煤炭对于我国经济发展与能源安全起到压舱石和兜底保障的作用,在“碳达峰、碳中和”国家重大战略决策背景下,研究如何充分发挥煤炭的保障能源与战略资源的作用、实现煤炭绿色智能低碳开发利用迫在眉睫。煤炭生产开发活动打破了地层初始应力平衡,引起围岩应力场重分布,诱发工程灾害。岩石是煤炭生产开发与工程建设的主要对象,研究和解决煤炭绿色智能安全开采问题的基础理论之一是岩石力学。然而,传统的岩石力学理论在定量分析和描述煤炭生产开发活动引发的岩石灾变行为及内禀机理时存在诸多困难,人们对岩石不连续结构演化引起的应力场、变形场和渗流场的变化认识不足,缺乏定量解析内部应力、变形与渗流等多物理场的方法、理论和模型,难以对不同开采模式可能引发的工程灾害进行超前研判、预警和科学防控。解决这些基础科学与技术难题,迫切需要建立和发展颠覆性理论与变革性技术,这已成为创新发展煤炭资源绿色智能安全开发理论与技术的基础性前沿课题。围绕岩石灾变的非连续结构与多物理场效应的透明解析与透明推演,概述了岩石的三维数字重构、3D打印模型材料、透明物理模型、尺度效应、应力场、变形场和渗流场演化以及灾变机理的透明定量解析等方面的最新成果,分析了未来发展目标与面临的挑战,以求为发展非连续岩石力学与灾变分析理论,实现煤炭绿色智能开采及灾害超前预警防控提供研究基础与参考。


    Abstract: Coal plays the cornerstone role of sustaining China’s economic growth and safe energy supply. In the context of achieving peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060,it is urgent to study how to efficiently ensure the role of coal resources and achieve the green,safe,intelligent,and low-carbon development and utilization of coal resources. Underground coal production and exploitation breaks the initial stress balance of rock formations and causes the stress redistribution in the surrounding strata,inducing rock failure and engineering disasters. Rock mechanics,as a branch of continuum mechanics,has been one of the fundamental theories used to solve the problems related to green,intelligent,and safe coal mining. However,the traditional rock mechanics theory has significant difficulty in quantitatively analyzing and describing the failure physics and mechanisms of rocks which inherently involve multiscale discontinuities. Insufficient knowledge and lack of accurate descriptions and reliable models of the internal stress,strain and seepage fields in discontinuous rocks have impeded the pre judgment,early warning,and effective control of coal mining induced disasters. Thus,it is critical to develop novel theories and innovative technologies for achieving the green,intelligent,and safe coal mining and utilization. This paper presents the state of the art research of the transparentized solutions and interpretation for the effects of internal discontinuities and multi physical fields on mining induced rock failure. The authors briefly reviewed and discussed the recent progresses,prospects,and challenges in three dimensional (3D) digital reconstruction models,3D printing and materials,printed transparent models,size effects,the evolution of stress fields,deformation fields,and seepage fields,as well as the transparentized solutions for rock failure physics. The aim is to provide a research bases and reference for the development of discontinuous rock mechanics and failure analysis theories,as well as the realization of green,safe,and intelligent coal mining,the early warning and prevention of mininginduced disasters.


