
Characteristics and definition of high-intensity mining in extremely thick coal seam with strong impact tendency

  • 摘要: 工作面开采强度过高易诱发冲击地压等动力灾害,探讨工作面合理的开采强度已成为冲击地压矿井安全高效开采亟待解决的关键。以准东二矿巨厚强冲击倾向性煤层首分层1101综放工作面为背景,采用理论分析及物理相似模拟实验相结合的综合分析方法,对不同开采强度下覆岩采动应力、能量演化规律展开分析,并评估了不同开采强度下煤岩体冲击危险性,确定了工作面合理的开采强度,得到冲击地压矿井高强度开采特征并对其进行定义,同时提出冲击地压矿井高强度开采调控模式。研究结果表明:(1)随工作面开采强度的提高,采动应力、应力集中系数、周期来压步距均随之稳步提升;微震能量随之逐渐增大,大能量积聚范围也随之逐渐增大;工作面冲击危险性也随推进速度逐渐增大,其冲击危险性指数Im,微震能量Er均与开采强度呈正相关性,微震b值则表现出负相关性,综合分析认为1101工作面推进速度不应大于8 m/d;(2)冲击地压矿井高强度开采不是一种外在的开采强度,而是综合反应应力、能量、冲击危险性的一种力学状态,并由其特征参数决定,并将推进速度大于8 m/d、来压步距与推进速度的比值小于1、冲击危险性指数Im>3,微震单次能量大于214.38 J、微震b值小于0.7定义为准东巨厚煤层高强度开采特征指标;(3)提出防控冲击地压矿井高强度开采的关键在于调控工作面的开采强度,对未达到高强度开采矿井,在保证安全高效开采前提下,通过调节推进速度增产增效,释放优质产能;对已达高强度开采矿井,通过改变工作面推进速度,进而改变采场围岩应力、能量分布特征,改善工作面煤岩体冲击危险性,保证矿井安全高效开采。


    Abstract: An extremely high mining intensity of working face can easily lead to some dynamic disasters such as rock burst, so it urgently needs to discuss the reasonable mining intensity of working face for the safe and efficient mining operation of rock burst mines. Based on No. 1101 fully mechanized top-coal caving face in the first layer of extremely thick coal seam with strong impact tendency in the Zhundong No.2 Mine, the comprehensive analysis method, combining theoretical analysis with physical similarity simulation experiment, was adopted to analyze the mining stress and energy evolution law of overlying strata under different mining intensities. Also the impact risk of coal and rock mass under different mining intensities was evaluated. The reasonable mining intensity of the working face was determined, and the characteristics of high-intensity mining in rockburst mines were obtained and defined. Meanwhile, the regulation mode of high-intensity mining in rockburst mines was put forward. The results show that:(1) With the increase of mining intensity, the mining stress, stress concentration coefficient and periodic weighting step are steadily increased. The microseismic energy increases gradually, and the accumulation range of large energy also increases gradually. The impact risk of working face also increases gradually with the advancing speed, and its impact risk index Im and microseismic energy Er are positively correlated with mining intensity, while the microseismic value b shows a negative correlation. Comprehensive analysis shows that the advancing speed of No. 1101 working face should not be greater than 8 m/d.(2) High-intensity mining in rockburst mines is not an external mining intensity, but a mechanical state of comprehensive reaction stress, energy and impact risk, which is determined by its characteristic parameters. The characteristics of high-intensity mining in the Zhundong thick coal seam are defined as advancing speed greater than 8 m/d, the ratio of weighting step to advancing speed less than 1,impact risk index Im> 3,microseismic single energy greater than 214.38 J,and microseismic value b is less than 0.7.(3) It is pointed out that the key to prevent and control the high-intensity mining of rockburst mines lies in regulating the mining intensity of the working face. For mines that have not reached high-intensity mining, on the premise of ensuring safe and efficient mining, the production and efficiency should be increased by adjusting the advancing speed and releasing high-quality production capacity. For mines that have reached high-intensity mining, by changing the advancing speed of working face, the stress and energy distribution characteristics of surrounding rock in working face can be changed, the impact risk of coal and rock in working face can be improved, and the safe and efficient mining of rockburst mines can be ensured.


