
Basic research and application practice of unmanned auxiliary transportation system in coal mine

  • 摘要: 辅助运输系统是煤矿生产系统的重要组成部分,辅助运输设备的先进与否直接关系到煤矿的生产效率与作业安全。近年来我国开始大力推进煤矿智能化建设,但传统辅助运输系统仍普遍存在工艺不连续、转载环节多、用工占比高、自动化程度低等现实问题,已经成为制约煤矿智能化建设和无人化发展的薄弱环节。面向煤矿辅助运输系统“无人化”发展目标,凝练提出了辅助运输系统亟需研究解决的“连续化、标准化、智能化”三大关键基础问题,分别针对轨道式、无轨式辅助运输系统给出了多种连续化、标准化和智能化解决方案,进而提出了一种新型复合式连续化无人型辅助运输系统。首先,针对往复式串车提升不连续问题,设计了一种采用悬挂式钢丝绳牵引的轨道矿车连续运输系统;针对无极绳绞车难以适应长距离运输问题,设计了一种采用耐磨胶带多点辅助驱动的长距离无极绳牵引系统;针对无轨胶轮车因爬坡能力不足而导致的应用受限问题,设计了一种采用钢丝绳辅助牵引的无轨胶轮车连续运输系统。其次,开展辅助运输系统标准化设计,基于无轨、有轨两类标准化载物平台,针对设备、长料、散料、液体等不同物料类型,设计了不同大小规格和开口形式的系列化标准容器;通过将标准化、系列化的装载容器与载物平台进行模块化组合,可实现辅助运输物料的“集装箱式”快速装运,为开展机器人化辅助运输奠定了基础。再次,面向煤矿辅助运输系统智能化建设需求,研制了无人驾驶的无轨胶轮车和单轨吊并通过现场试验进行了验证,给出了无极绳运输系统的无人化运行方案,可有效解决传统辅助运输系统用工岗位多、人为失误多等问题;进一步,针对井下转运环节和最后100 m运输亟待解决的智能化难题,设计了一种“装铲运”一体化重载搬运机器人。最后,针对传统辅助运输设备种类繁多和应用局限性问题,发明了一种“轮轨复合”且“天地衔接”的新型多功能井下运输机器人(MAGV);基于MAGV提出了煤矿井下“两地三轨”自适应连续化辅助运输系统,并分别给出了其在斜井和立井中的应用工艺。研究结果可为解决煤矿井下辅助运输系统长期存在的运输不连续、用工岗位多、智能化程度低等现实问题提供指导,从而为推动煤矿井下实现“连续、标准、智能”的“无人化”辅助运输提供了一系列务实可行的技术原理和设计方案。


    Abstract: The auxiliary transportation system is an important part of the coal mine production system. Whether the auxiliary transportation equipment is advanced or not is directly related to the production efficiency and operation safety of the coal mine. In recent years, China has begun to vigorously promote the intelligent construction of coal mines. However, the traditional auxiliary transportation system still has many practical problems, such as discontinuous process, too many transfer links, high proportion of labor, and low degree of intelligence, which has become a weak link restricting the intelligent construction and unmanned development of coal mines. Facing the “unmanned” development goal of the auxiliary transportation system in coal mines, three key basic issues of continuity, standardization, standardized and intelligent solutions are proposed respectively for rail type and trackless auxiliary transportation systems, and then a new composite continuous unmanned auxiliary transportation system integrating multiple traditional auxiliary transportation equipment is proposed. Firstly, aiming at the discontinuous lifting problem of reciprocating tramcar, a continuous transportation system of rail tramcar with suspended wire rope traction is designed. In order to solve the problem that the endless rope winch is difficult to adapt to long.distance transportation, a long-distance endless rope traction system with wear-resistant tape multi-point auxiliary drive is designed. In view of the limited application of trackless rubber tyred vehicle due to insufficient climbing capacity, a continuous transportation system of trackless rubber tyred vehicle with wire rope assisted traction is designed. Secondly, the standardized design of the auxiliary transportation system is carried out. Based on the trackless and trackless standardized loading platforms, standardized containers with different sizes, specifications and opening forms are designed for different types of materials such as equipment, long materials, bulk materials and liquids. Through modular combination of standardized and serialized loading containers and loading platforms, the “container type” rapid shipment of materials transported in coal mines can be realized, laying the foundation for robotic auxiliary transportation. Thirdly, in order to meet the needs of intelligent construction of auxiliary transportation system in coal mines, the unmanned driving system of trackless rubber tyred vehicle and monorail crane is developed and verified through field tests, and the unmanned operation scheme of endless rope transportation system is further presented, which can effectively solve the problems such as many jobs and human errors in traditional auxiliary transportation system. Furthermore, aiming at the intelligent problems that need to be solved urgently in the underground transfer link and the last 100 m transportation, an integrated multifunctional handling robot with “loading and shoveling” is designed. Finally, in view of the wide variety and application limitations of traditional auxiliary transport equipment, a new multi-function transport vehicle named MAGV with “wheel rail combination” and “heaven earth connection” is invented. Based on the MAGV,an adaptive continuous auxiliary transportation system of “two places and three rails” in coal mine is proposed, and the application schemes in inclined shaft and vertical shaft are given respectively. The research results can provide guidance for solving the long-standing practical problems of the auxiliary transportation system in coal mines, such as discontinuous transportation, many employment positions, and low standardization and intelligence, so as to promote the realization of “continuous, standard, and intelligent” unmanned auxiliary transportation system in coal mines.


